Call for Participation: Migratory Yellow Pages/La Sección Amarilla de la Migración
Call for Participation: Migratory Yellow Pages/La Sección Amarilla de la Migración
Elizabeth Shores (KHN Alum 2019) announced a call to participate in Migratory Yellow Pages, an upcoming project of Shores, co-curator Lara Goldmann, and Mexico City-based artist Minerva Cuevas in El Paso/Ciudad Juárez. In partnernership with the city of Juárez Municipal Institute for Women, Migratory Yellow Pages, aims to provide entertaining yet practical information for human migrants of all ages to have a safer and accompanied transit. This text will also include an extensive collection of graphic and literary contributions from both sides of the border dedicated to them. The collaborative companion publication is are part of a larger exhibition, Migratory, opening January 2022 at the University of Texas-El Paso Rubin Center.
According to Shores, "we see Migratory as a transnational multi-sited project conceived with the broad understanding that migration is an ongoing, natural process that includes non-human species. We strongly feel that this publication is important as a reminder that migration is an endless relational process experienced by every living organism. We are dedicated to gathering voices about the more-than-human aspects of migratory networks for this publication, which will be distributed free of cost both online and in-person at sites chosen by collaborative regional partners."
Submissions are due by October 22, 2021.