Laura Wiseman

Art Discipline: 
Lincoln, NE
United States
Dates of Residence: 
May 11, 2010 to May 22, 2010

Laura Madeline Wiseman is the recipient of the 2009 Academy of American Poets Award from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she is a doctoral candidate and teaches English. Her chapbook My Imaginary (Dancing Girl Press, 2010) was a finalist in four national contests. She is also the author of Ghost Girl, a chapbook forthcoming from Pudding House. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Feminist Studies, MARGIE, Arts & Letters, and elsewhere. Other awards include the Mari Sandoz Award in fiction, the Will Jumper Award in poetry, and five Pushcart Prize nominations. She holds a BS in English literature and women's studies from Iowa State University and an MA in women's studies from the University of Arizona. She reads and writes reviews for Prairie Schooner.